
Meetings on Autopilot Academy

The step by step programme that will show you EXACTLY how to get 1-3 sales calls a day completely on autopilot

So you can sign 1-5 clients a WEEK.


Results from our Meetings on Autopilot Students

Sean Cronin

Founder of TMR Media

Maja Koenig

Founder of Growth Alley

Rana Hassan

Founder of Expreso Creative

Service Providers..

Are You Tired Of Feeling Like Signing Clients Is Always Hard, No Matter What You Do? 

Have you..

  • Been posting on Instagram and Facebook every day, but your inbox is always empty?

  • Spent hours sending cold emails, cold DM's or cold messages on LinkedIn, just to hear 'no thanks 

  • Relied on referrals, word of mouth or your network to help you get some clients, but it's just not reliable or consistent.

  • Become frustrated at always trying to find a strategy that would actually just bring you a constant flow of clients, without you ALWAYS having to show up in your business?

Do you wish you could..

  • Wake up every morning and see new meetings in your calendar with DREAM clients?

  • Go from 3-5 meetings a month with your ideal clients, to 3-5 meetings a DAY?

  • Set up an automation that is passive, so you don't have to spend time each day generating leads?

  • Do you want to be out for lunch, at the beach, or spending time with loved ones, and see a Stripe notification on your phone that you've signed a high ticket client - without having to do anything?

  • Do you want to go from inconsistent income months, to scaling to 10k, 20k, 50k, 100k+ months using an easy to implement, scalable, passive strategy?

I’ve been where you are, when I started my agency in 2018, I hustled every day just to get 3-4 meetings a month.

I would try sending hundreds of cold emails, hire appointment setters to be in my DM's all day, posting 2-3 times a day on social media, built my own Facebook group, spent hours a day leaving 'value' in other Facebook groups, hoping people would notice me.

These strategies got me SOME clients, but they required me to hustle every day. After 2 years of hustling, I was tired and wanted an easier way to scale my agency that didn't require so much of my time.

I discovered what a call booking funnel was and my life and business changed forever. I spent 2 years and almost $100,000 learning, failing and finally mastering how to get meetings on autopilot.

Now my agency averages 100+ calls a month - on autopilot and I can show you how to do the same.


How A Call Booking Funnel Works

<a href="" title="landing page icons">Landing page icons created by Design Circle - Flaticon</a>


A page that talks directly to your ideal client and invites them to book a call with you. Copy and paste our winning formula for a high converting landing page.

<a href="" title="calendar icons">Calendar icons created by pojok d - Flaticon</a>


The landing page redirects them to book a call directly in your calendar.

<a href="" title="vision icons">Vision icons created by Becris - Flaticon</a>


Build out an ad campaign that drives traffic to your landing page whilst you sleep, so you can wake up to new bookings in your calendar with dream clients.



Your 80% done FOR you funnel programme that will allow you to finally stop spending all your time trying to find clients, and instead wake up to a calendar FULL of meetings every single day - without having to do anything.


What's inside Meetings on Autopilot Academy?

Here's a breakdown of everything you're going to get when you join the Academy.

42 Online Training Modules

To help you master EVERYTHING you need to create your own call booking funnel. 

08 Tech Tutorials

So you can set everything up in an easy, stress free way. 

12 Copy Templates

So you can copy and paste my high converting copy into your call booking funnel. 

05 Step by Step Ads Trainings

So you feel 100% confident creating, managing and scaling your own ad campaigns.

Launch, Optimise & Scale

Learn everything you need to go from 5 meetings a month to 100+.

You also get access to these:

2x Landing Page Templates

worth £599

To build your call booking funnel in an hour vs weeks 

5x Best Performing Ad Scripts

worth £599

To get clicks to your landing page for $1-2

Best Performing Ad Creatives

worth £349
To make sure your ads perform immediately

Video Sales Letter Script

worth £429
To increase the number of people that book a call from your landing page

Email Sequence

worth £539
To increase show up and conversion rate

Sales Call Script

worth £659

To maximise the number of YES’s you hear on sales calls

Take a sneak peek at what's inside the Meetings on Autopilot Academy

Join The Meetings on Autopilot Academy

Pay in Full

Get everything you need to build your own call booking funnel end to end.

  • PIF BONUS: FREE access to our training on how to close clients on autopilot.
  • 46+ training modules 
  • 3 months support inside a private Facebook group
  • Biweekly group coaching calls
  • Monthly sales training
  • Unlimited revisions of funnel
  • 3 guest expert sessions

£1997 one off payment

£697 one off payment

Sign me up

2 Month Payment Plan

Get everything you need to build your own call booking funnel end to end including 6 months of support from our team.

  • 46+ training modules 
  • 3 months support inside a private Facebook group
  • Biweekly group coaching calls
  • Monthly sales training
  • Unlimited revisions of funnel
  • 3 guest expert sessions

4 x  £500 a month

2 x £350 a month

PLUS, As A Special Pay In Full Bonus, You'll Also Get Access to Sales on Autopilot

My step by step programme that shows you how to find, hire and train a commission based sales closer so that you don't have to take any of your own sales calls.

So you can completely automate your lead generation AND sales - for FREE.

The result? You can wake up to new Stripe notifications of clients signing up to your offers and services, WITHOUT having to do anything.

How my clients scaled to £60 K months.

We've worked with Giulia twice now and both times have been blown away with the support we receive and the growth we've experienced as a result! 

But its not just the support you get, it's the level of support. We have had coaches before (that we have paid more for) and received nowhere near the level of advice and guidance Giulia offers. 

Giulia is the perfect example of a coach who has been there, grown her business and is here to show you exactly how you can too. She makes it feel possible, and that alone is enough for you to grow your business with her support. I cannot recommend working with her in any capacity enough!

Charlotte - Develop Digital Agency

Check out these insane client results!

"I've been able to generate 27 calls for just 330 euros and signed my first client in 24 hours!"

Federico -Weight Loss Coach

"I've gone from sending cold DM's to launching my funnel and getting 20+ sales calls a month"

Maria- Marketing Agency

"I always know where my next client is coming from thanks to my funnel"

Sayeed -Founder of Extant Marketing

Meet Giulia.


I can confidently say that generating meetings on autopilot has CHANGED MY LIFE and I know it can do the same for you - no matter what niche or offer you have.

In less than 2 years I went from struggling to generate more than 2-4 meetings a month no matter WHAT I tried, my income being up and down every month and never feeling safe and secure in my business…

To consistently having 5+meetings a DAY in my calendar for my agency, on track to make consistent 100k+ recurring cash months and feeling completely safe knowing that no matter what, I will also be able to generate more clients and more money with this strategy. 

Now I teach my entire step by step strategy that took me 2+ years and thousands to learn inside of Meetings on Autopilot Academy. 

Check out our typical cost per calls below.

Imagine spending 800 to generate 100 ideal clients that want to buy your £2-£10,000+ services.

Imagine converting even 20% of those.

That's £40-£200,000 extra cash in your bank.

What our students have achieved

"We've learnt how to attract higher value clients and charge higher prices"

Kieran-Attention Digital

"I've gone from 5k months to 40k months in 6 weeks"

Alina Hlpica - Mindset Coach

"Giulia is the only coach I trust."

Sayeed -Founder of Extant Marketing


Happy Clients

During my time with Giulia I booked 1-1 clients, had many discovery calls, and made improvements to my instagram. The best part of working with Giulia is how personalised and specific the advice she gives is.

Natalia Kratsmar-Smogrovic Recovery Coach

"Giulia has been extremely helpful in so all areas when it came to my business. From helping me gain more clarity on the direction I wanted to take my business in, to helping me elevate my social media presence and start to bring in more leads.

Millie Davis - Founder of Nude Social

"The best part about working with giulia is her kindness, knowledge, and ability to work with people who are at different stages of business. I’ve now launched my online program and signed my first paying clients!"

Clare Norman – Financial Coach

Join The Meetings on Autopilot Academy

Pay in Full

Get everything you need to build your own call booking funnel end to end.

PIF BONUS: FREE access to our training on how to close clients on autopilot.

  • 46+ training modules 
  • 3 months support inside a private Facebook group
  • Biweekly group coaching calls
  • Monthly sales training
  • Unlimited revisions of funnel
  • 3 guest expert sessions

 £1997 one off payment

£697 one off payment

2 Month Payment Plan

Get everything you need to build your own call booking funnel end to end.

  • 46+ training modules 
  • 3 months support inside a private Facebook group
  • Biweekly group coaching calls
  • Monthly sales training
  • Unlimited revisions of funnel
  • 3 guest expert sessions

4 x  £500 a month

2 x £350 a month

Our amazing clients stories

Since working with Giulia I’ve been able to sign a world famous client and have been able to improve the overall structure of my business. Giulia is an incredible business coach, she revamped my business by helping me build everything from scratch on very solid foundations.

-Elson Barbosa

Giulia always made sure we got everything we possibly could out of our calls. She had tons of suggestions, was so encouraging when I switched my niche, and took the time to help figure out strategies that worked for me. I've changed my mindset and I've tripled my income and am now operating in an abundance mindset.

- Liz Ferns

Before working with giulia, my price points were extremely low. She helped me raise those prices and realize my worth. My mindset has skyrocket since working with Giulia, I now charge premium prices.

I was able to sell out a paid masterclass and sign my first 3 clients during our time together

- Jasmine Mensah


What type of business does this work for?

This can work for any service provider in any niche. If you normally sell your services via a free sales/discovery/demo call, then this strategy will work for you.

What level do I need to be in my business?

You can be a beginner, a 6 figure earner or a millionaire already.
This strategy will take your business to bigger heights than you are currently experiencing and you'll sign clients faster than ever before.   

How long does it take to set up?

Depending on how much time you have to start watching the course and implementing, anything from 1-3 weeks.

Do I need to be good at ads?

No you don't. I've created all the trainings as though you are brand new to ads and have never used the ads platform before.  The trainings are 5-10 minute bitesized video tutorials.  I cover everything you need to know to confidently run your own ads.

How much do I need to spend on ads?

Our students generate calls from $5-30.

Remember that you only need to sign ONE client to make your investment in ads back (and more!) 

How quickly will I get meetings?

Usually within 24-72 hours.

When can I expect to sign a client?

Within 5-7 days.