Nutritionists and Health Coaches..

Here's How We Book 30 - 50 High Quality Appointments Every Single Month On Autopilot

(Without posting on social media every day, sending cold DM’s using setters or sending hundreds of

emails and Linkedin messages)

Want our team to build you a bespoke appointment generating machine that predictably & consistently delivers you high quality sales calls with dream clients every month?


(Limited spaces remaining)

Nutritionists & Health Coaches..

Unlock the Secret to Filling Your Calendar with Dream Clients Ready for a Health Transformation!

Are you tired of:

  • Posting on social media, but you don’t really have a strategy so you’re not 100% confident in the content that you’re sharing and you barely get any DM enquiries.
  • Sending cold DMs on mass but getting no responses?
  • Joining Facebook groups and trying to leave valuable tips, so people reach out and hire you?
  • Going to networking events and conferences to try and get more clients, but all it does is take up alot of your time with very little results?
  • Feeling like you've tried everything and anything to get warm leads to enquire about your services, but every month - you fall short of your income goal?

Imagine a world where you don't have to chase clients. Instead, they come to you, ready to embark on their health journey.

It's never been easier to attract dream clients into your business.

Do you want to stop focusing on looking for clients and instead give your time and attention to helping your ideal clients reach their health and wellness goals?

What if you could focus solely on crafting personalised diet, health and fitness plans and guiding your clients through your programmes, while a system works in the background, bringing warm leads straight into your calendar?

What if 2024 was the year you were finally able to scale your coaching and consulting business with a reliable, scalable and repeatable model to consistently wake up to 1-3 sales calls in your calendar?

If this sounds like you right now, and you’re wanting to instead put a 100% automated lead generation system in place to start waking up to 1-3 sales calls a day and closing more clients, click the link below to book a free call to find out how...


Hear from our happy clients!

"I'm now consistently getting 20+ sales calls every single month, I have the knowledge now to keep generating those numbers every single month."

- Agnes, Brand designer

"We've worked with Giulia twice now and both times been blown away with the support we received and the growth we've experienced as a result.
We've gone from just starting out in our agency to consistent £50-£60,000 months in our agency."

- Charlotte, eCommerce agency owner

"Since launching my funnel I'm now generating 5+ calls a day with dream clients and ready to scale my coaching business to the moon."

- Tasha, Binge Eating Coach


There was a way to generate 20-50+ meetings in your calendar, every single month, on autopilot – without you having to do anything?

So you could wake up every day, look at your inbox and see 3-5 new meetings in your calendar with dream clients that have healthy budgets.

And then your focus for the day is just to show up to the sales calls and convert each warm lead into a paying client?

How much more free time would you have to focus on building your team, refining your processes, getting better sales and just generally enjoying more free time from your agency?
Isn’t that why we build them in the first place?)


Break through your plateau thanks to your reliable, automated client acquisition system.

Get off the income rollercoaster and finally start to create some sustainable, recurring income in your business

Bring in the amount of revenue needed for your business so you can focus on OTHER aspects of it aside from finding clients.

Enjoy some much deserved time OFF because you've gained back so much time from automating how you attract and sign clients.

Well, you’re in the right place.

We specialise in helping Health and Fitness Coaches get a calendar FULL of sales calls with their dream, ideal clients every single month.. Completely done for you.

This one method took my calendar in my own coaching business from...


JAN 2022


JAN 2023

And my calendar has looked like this every single week.


And It's Not Just Me...

"Since launching my funnel I've gone from hustling to get clients via cold calling to averaging 20+ calls a month - I woke up to 10 booked calls last weekend!"

- Maria Isabel, Marketing agency owner

"I was super hesitant to use a funnel but in my first 24 hours of going live I got 4 calls and signed 1 client. I've since been able to generate 27 calls a month."

- Federico, Weight loss coach

"In 6 weeks I've had 69 sales calls!! I've gone from sending 1,000 cold DMs a day to waking up to 2-3 sales calls in my calendar every single day on autopilot."

- Sean, Marketing agency owner

Why Am I So Confident In this Method?

Hi, I’m Giulia, the founder of Blackbird Digital - a lead generation agency that has been going since 2018.

Several years ago I was in the exact same position you are in now - hustling and struggling to get clients no matter what lead gen strategy I was using.

In 2020 I discovered a 100% automated way to get clients and went from 2-3 calls a month to 2-3 calls a day for the last 2 years.

I’ve since built 150 funnels and coached over 200+ people to create the same results.

My clients have had $30k, $50k and $100k cash months thanks to this method and wake up every single day to 2-3 new sales calls in their calendar with dream clients.

Whether you want 5 new calls a week or 300+ calls a month, the method is exactly the same.

It’s passive, scalable and reliable.

You can literally guarantee the number of calls you get every single day. Which makes scaling your agency predictable, easier and fun.

Click the link below to find out more


Check Out Our Client Results

"I generated 47 calls in my first month and actually had to switch my funnel off because I was getting too many calls"

- Maja, eCommerce agency owner

"Within hours of launching my funnel I got my first calls booked into my calendar.
I never worry about where my next client is coming from. I know that I can get calls every single day. It feels less stressful and easier to grow my agency."

- Sayeed, Marketing agency owner

"I used to work at Facebook but didn't know to generate my own leads. Now I've got my own funnel that brings me calls every day and have a team of 4 that helps me manage my agency."

- Dominika, Facebook ads expert

We could easily fill this entire page with hundreds of success stories

We’ve used our model in hundreds of industries all over the world.
So if you want to start growing your coaching business in a reliable, scalable, passive way with 30-50 meetings every single month..
Hit the button below, book a time and date that works for you


Giulia Smith

Will see you on the call.
I can’t wait to talk to you!

Get in a quiet place on the call.
Make sure that it’s quiet and have something to take notes on because I’m going to be going over everything you’ll need to do this.

I’ll look forward to helping you.