Here's How We Get 30 - 50 Sales Calls Every Month On Autopilot And Work Only 1-2 Hours A Day In Our Agency

(Without posting on social media every day, sending cold DM’s and emails or spending hours hiring and training your team)

Do you want to learn how to fully automate your agency so you can wake up to 3-5 new clients a week?


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Marketing agencies...

Have you been running your agency for a few years, but despite working super long hours, you can't seem to break through your current monthly revenue?

You’ve built up a roster of clients that range in anything from $500 a month retainers to $5,000+.

You’ve got a few freelancers and contractors working with you, yet you’re finding that you’re still doing a lot of the work yourself.

Do you find that no matter how many 12 hour days you work, you still start each day with a long to do list and never seem to move the needle forward?

Do you find it a constant struggle to sign a consistent number of high ticket client retainer or project clients every month, no matter how many new lead generation methods you try?

Do you wish you could take time off in the evenings, weekends or go on a laptop free holiday, but right now that feels like a distant dream?

As a result of all this, do you feel burnt out, frustrated and annoyed with how much your agency relies on YOU every day?


What if you could have results like these in a matter of months?

Maybe you've tried...

  • Posting on social media, but you don’t really have a strategy so you’re not 100% confident in the content that you’re sharing and you barely get any DM enquiries

  • Sending hundreds of cold emails and testing all the different subject lines, CTA’s and sourcing emails from different places like Fiverr, LinkedIn or a freelancer. 

  • Hiring freelancers before and it didn’t work out, so you’ve gone back to doing everything yourself
  • You’ve currently got a team member/s but you’re doing more work than you were before because they can’t yet work independently.
  • Working longer hours to try and get everything done, but still feeling further and further away from being able to take time off from your agency.

If this sounds like your agency right now, and you’re wanting to instead learn how to automate your:

✅ Lead generation

✅ Sales &

✅ Client delivery

So you can start working few hours and enjoy some well deserved time off, whilst your agency runs by itself, then click the link below to book a free call to find out how.


Hear from other agency owners..

"I'm now consistently getting 20+ sales calls every single month, I have the knowledge now to keep generating those numbers every single month."

- Agnes, Brand designer

"We've worked with Giulia twice now and both times been blown away with the support we received and the growth we've experienced as a result.
We've gone from just starting out in our agency to consistent £50-£60,000 months in our agency and work very few hours a day."

- Charlotte, eCommerce agency owner

"Within just 1 month I knew EXACTLY how to reach out to my ideal clients and the exact strategy to get more meetings.
I've already had 3-4 calls and expect to be fully booked by the end of next month."

- Rana Hassan, Web design agency

What if..

There was a way to generate 20-50+ meetings in your calendar, every single month, on autopilot – without you having to do anything?

So you could wake up every day, look at your inbox and see 3-5 new meetings in your calendar with dream clients that have healthy budgets.

And what if there was a way for you to NOT take your own sales calls, so that a few hours after seeing new leads in your calendar, you get a Stripe notification with `Payment of $3,000 received' instead?

What if you could ALSO find a way to have your team manage your client FOR you, so you can take a laptop free holiday and actually switch off from your agency completely, because it runs itself?


Break through your plateau of $4-10k months and start scaling to $20-50k+ months thanks to your reliable, automated client acquisition system, sales and client delivery.

Get off the income rollercoaster and finally start to create some sustainable, recurring income in your business

Bring in the amount of revenue needed for your agency to: hire more staff, automate your processes, sell higher ticket without fear of people saying no.

Free up more of your time so you’re not constantly stuck working 18 hour days every single week, but instead work 3-4 hours a day.

If this sounds like you, you're in the right place.

We specialise in helping marketing agencies scale their revenue by automating their lead generation and then remove themselves from client delivery by automating their processes so you can work 2-3 hours a day.

Our automated lead generation method took our own calendar from empty to fully booked in a mater of weeks.


JAN 2022


JAN 2023

And our calendar has looked like this every single week.


And It's Not Just Us...

"Since launching my funnel I've gone from hustling to get clients via cold calling to averaging 20+ calls a month - I woke up to 10 booked calls last weekend!"

- Maria Isabel, Marketing agency owner

"I was super hesitant to use a funnel but in my first 24 hours of going live I got 4 calls and signed 1 client. I've since been able to generate 27 calls a month."

- Federico, Weight loss coach

"In 6 weeks I've had 69 sales calls!! I've gone from sending 1,000 cold DMs a day to waking up to 2-3 sales calls in my calendar every single day on autopilot."

- Sean, Marketing agency owner

Who Are We?

Hey, we're Ayse and Giulia,

In 2018, we created our first agency together, we were determined to grow it as big as possible, so we did what felt sensible. We re-invested our hard-earned cash into the only agency-growth programme we could find.

And since there was a HUGE lack of agency growth programmes, we invested in one run by bro marketers and hustled 25/7.

We ended up with low-paying clients, our service delivery was poor and our leads were non-existent, so we shut our agencies down.

And rebuilt new ones that are wildly profitable and allow us to only work a few hours a day.


Now we:

  • Wake up whenever we want
  • Choose how many hours we work per day
  • Travel every month
  • And STILL generate $40-70k cash months

Want to know how you can do this too?

Book Your Free Call

Check Out Our Client Results

"I generated 47 calls in my first month and actually had to switch my funnel off because I was getting too many calls"

- Maja, eCommerce agency owner

"Within hours of launching my funnel I got my first calls booked into my calendar.
I never worry about where my next client is coming from. I know that I can get calls every single day. It feels less stressful and easier to grow my agency."

- Sayeed, Marketing agency owner

"I used to work at Facebook but didn't know to generate my own leads. Now I've got my own funnel that brings me calls every day and have a team of 4 that helps me manage my agency."

- Dominika, Facebook ads expert


Ayse & Giulia

Will see you on the call.
We can't wait to help you transform your agency into one that requires very little of your time.  

We're going to give you a personalised, step by step roadmap on our call how you can fully automate your agency this year.