Get 1-3 Sales Calls A Day on Autopilot

Without posting daily on social media, relying on referrals, sending cold DM's or spending hours convincing people to have a call

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Secret #1

The number one reason why you're not signing clients every week right now and how to fix it in just 40 minutes.

Secret #2

How to flood your calendar with sales calls using a simple automated system in just 10 days.

Secret #3

Our easy 4 step formula to sign 2-4 clients a WEEK - in your sleep, whilst you travel or take time off.

Here are the results you can expect after watching this training..

“Within hours of launching my funnel I got my first calls booked into my calendar. I never worry about where my next client is coming from. I know that I can get calls every single day. It feels less stressful and easier to grow my agency.”


– Sayeed, Marketing agency owner

“I used to work at Facebook but didn’t know to generate my own leads. Now I’ve got my own funnel that brings me calls every day and have a team of 4 that helps me manage my agency.”


– Dominika, Facebook ads expert

“Within just 1 month I knew EXACTLY how to reach out to my ideal clients and the exact strategy to get more meetings. 

I’ve already had 3-4 calls and expect to be fully booked by the end of next month.”


– Rana Hassan, Web design agency

“In 6 weeks I’ve had 69 sales calls!! I’ve gone from sending 1,000 cold DMs a day to waking up to 2-3 sales calls in my calendar every single day on autopilot.”

– Sean, Marketing agency owner

“I was super hesitant to use a funnel but in my first 24 hours of going live I got 4 calls and signed 1 client. I’ve since been able to generate 27 calls a month.”

– Federico, Weight loss coach

“Since launching my funnel I’ve gone from hustling to get clients via cold calling to averaging 20+ calls a month – I woke up to 10 booked calls last weekend!”


– Maria Isabel, Marketing agency owner

MEET Giulia

I'm a multi 6 figure agency owner and marketing coach, I've worked with brands such as INEOS, Farah, Original Penguin and Unilever.

I went from hustling and burning out trying to get 2-3 sales calls a month, to waking up every day and having 2-3 sales calls a DAY in my calendar - for the last 4 years.

I've since taught this simple method to over 130+ service providers and implemented it for over 200 companies.

Up until now I've only shared this strategy with my paying clients, but now I'm going to be sharing this with you, for free - and save you 2 years and $100k+ in figuring out how to do it yourself.

I WISH someone had taught me exactly what I'm going to teach you, 2 years ago.

You won't see anything like this anywhere else. 

6 Reasons Why You're Struggling to

Sign Clients Right Now

  • Your niche is too broad: Are you selling to business owners, women or entrepreneurs? If you're targeting everyone, no-one will resonate with your messaging.
  • Your offer isn't irresistible: If you're focused on selling the process of what you do, such as social media management, or 'finding your purpose' then your ideal clients will likely struggle to see the value in investing.
  • You're posting content on social media that doesn't convert: If you spend hours creating beautiful Canva graphics, or recording trending reels, but despite all the hours you invest, your DMs are empty and noone is buying.
  • You're just using outbound strategies like cold email, Linkedin & DM: These strategies can work, but they're not reliable or scalable.
  • You don't have a repeatable, scalable, lead generation strategy: So you spend hours every single day, trying to find clients.
  • You don't generate enough sales calls every month: Maybe you average 3-4 calls a month with ideal clients, with 1-2 signing up a month, but you dream of being able to sign 5+ clients EFFORTLESSLY every single month.

Who Is This For?

This training is for you if:

- You're a service provider and you want more sales calls in your calendar

- You're tired of relying on manual, time consuming methods that require you to show up every day and sell your soul.

- You crave having a consistent income, so you can feel more stable in your business and your life.

- You dream of waking up to 2-3 sales calls in your calendar with DREAM clients, that came to YOU.

- You've got a high ticket offer that you can sell through a sales call and..

- You're ready to hit your next monthly income goal of.. $5k, $10k, $20k, $50k + months.

If this sounds like you, then choose a time that works for you below.